I've only included the monsters that are interesting and/or non-trivial. Some of them are inside PDFs, so you'll have to go through the PDFs to find them.
Aside from that, this is a complete index of all the monsters I've ever posted. It's from all 3 of my settings (Centerra, Eldritch Americana, and Synthexia). Mostly Centerra, though. Nearly all of them have stats, but not all.
I'll update this list as I add more beasties.
Nymph drawn by my sister! Check out her Tumblr! |
Last update: 3/29/2020, during the coronavirus epidemic.
Total Count: exactly 351 approximately.
Adventuring Party, Rival - Five examples.
Alabaster Homunculi - Like marble statues that abduct you.
Alabaster Hound of Yog - Amnesia-inducing, hairless hounds. (Book of Tigers PDF)
Amberino - Tiny electrical buddies for fulgarite elementals. (Book of Mice PDF)
Chorus - Swarming spirits of the unborn.
Messenger - Baby-faced cherubs with magic arrows that are depressing to kill.
Preacher - Winning hearts and minds.
Sentinel - Too beautiful to wound, these angels brand targets with the "enemy of heaven" rune.
Wheel - Strange, judgemental creatures with a martyr-maker mechanic.
Angelbird - Huge birds that rescue people and imprison them until they are healed.
Animated Barrel - Fond of swallowing people and then rolling down stairs.
Animals, Mundane - They aren't as mundane as you think.
- Cats - See also:
- Chickens - Powerful tools of divination if raised to adulthood without their heads.
- Cows - Have an affinity for the moon. See also: spherical cows.
- Dogs - They serve the dog barons.
- Foxes - Imaginary creatures. They don't exist in Centerra.
- Goats - The only true innocents.
Hippos - Fat.
- Horses - Can carry you into other planes if you get them drunk enough.
- Panthers - Speak all languages. Evil, honorable, merciless.
- Pigs - Never stop growing.
- Rats - Quintessential dwarven foodstuff.
- Roosters - Heralds of disaster.
- Snakes - The most holy of animals, especially blue ones.
- Songbirds - Can catch lost souls. Servants of the
- Tigers - Always return as ghosts.
- Wolves - Become worgs by eating sentient creatures.
Ant, Giant - Includes rules for infiltrating their nest (the only way to make giant ants interesting).
Anomalocaris - Giant predatory shrimp.
Antediluvian Crocodilian - Slouching crocodile born from your own genome. (Book of Mice PDF)
Assassin's Guild - Basically 20 superheros that bad folks will hire to kill your PCs.
Astral Peacock - Spread feathers force your soul from your body. (Meal of Oshregaal PDF)
Attercops - HD 2 Spidermans.
Awakened, The - Who have realized the unspeakable truth about the universe. And an
Bandits - NPCs murderhobos. HD 1, AC leather, sword, bow.
Barlutra - Dire otters that build dams and giant summoning circles.
Barnacle Man - Heavy-shelled jerks who live in sea-caves and weaponize sea fauna.
Barnyard Chimera - Cow + pig + goat, with a goose tail.
Berserker, Asthmatic - Furious berserkers for a few rounds, then they slow down.
Berserker - Crush! Kill! Destroy! They come in many different flavors.
Beast of Four Sorrows - Melancholy beasts formed from four tragic souls. (Book of Tigers PDF)
Beast of Singular Intensity - You are always aware of it. You cannot move away from it.
Beyonder - Portal people from outer space. Walk around in a bubble suit.\
Black Wind Tree - Carnivorous tree with mutagenic fruit that controls air. (Meal of Oshregaal PDF)
Blobbins - Blue, boneless goblins who live in jars that they haunt after death.
Blue Breath Devils - Exiles from the planet's inner sun. Smoke creatures that haunt your lungs.
Body Parts, Giant -
- Includes hands, feet, torso, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, eyes, mouth, gullet, and head.
Bomba Bird - Degenerate phoenixes.
Bone Needle Man - Skull-rattling doom skeletons that tap into the Edgeless Sharp (Book of Mice PDF)
Bringers of the Dawn - Formerly Heralds of Immaculate Morning. Cult of the Good.
High Priests - Peaceful killers, not too different from normal clerics.
Bugbear - Young, stealthy ogres. Kidnappers who fear the wooden swords of children.
Buggy Birds - Do not let them inflate!
Bureaucrat, Heavenly - Beancounters, except celestial.
Candle Family - Undead, candle-bearing mother hides skeletal children in her shadow.
Cannon Lizard - Drags a cannon ball in its tail, which it is capable of firing, then re-swallowing.
Cave Clam - Immobile, bubble-spitting maws filled with flying suicide drones.
Cave Cricket - Bite grants infravision, but also light blindness.
Chelinausca - Centipede people. Masters of the morlocks and rightful rulers of the surface world.
Cloud of Ill Omen - Wisp replacement. An asshole cloud that follows you.
Cosmic Monsters
Apotropiadon - Double-headed dimetrodon capable of rewinding time.
Dendricule - Capable of exponential breeding in seconds.
Noctule - Flying and paperthin, it burrows into your eyeball.
Xantherium - A monsterous yellow stain.
Cow Egg - Whispers in your dreams. Don't break it.
Craniac + Ixian Jumping Spiders - Flying heads that barf out spiders.
Crawling Men - Desperate subhumans that attempt to abscond with the first corpse.
Crawling Giant - Despondent giants that crawl through the earth.
Cumulonictus - Jellyfish the size of a cloud. Floats in the clouds, plucking up prey. (Book of Tigers PDF)
Cyclops - Since they can see their own death, the best way to defeat them is to do something
completely unexpected.
Daisy Sharks - Related to mosquito larva, adjacent dirt has the consistency of water.
Bone - Rude demons whose poison causes all of your bones to fuse together.
Gas - Swallow hope and fart insanity.
Lemure - You don't roll to see how much damage you do, you roll to see how many you kill.
Tongue - Size-changing demons that replace your tongue with their bodies.
Demonoid - Ferocious victims of long-term possession.
Devil - These are just demons who have sworn the
Oaths. See Demon, above.
Dog, Gun - Exactly what it says on the tin.
Dragon - It's taken me 7 (?) years but I finally statted one of these up in a way that I'm satisfied with.
Dragoneater - Dire mongooses that excel at killing dragons.
Droggins - Beware the shambledrakes! Avoid the goblin wyrms! As pathetic as they are deadly!
Druhok - The women are mute women, the men are incomprehensibly virile goat people.
Dungeon Barnacle - The only monster in this bestiary with a hooked penis attack.
Dungeon Bug (
part 2) - Tiny pests that can cause people to behave as if they were bugs as well. Will also sell you things.
Dungeon Dryad - Keeper of the subterranean grove. Includes stats for dungeon plants.
Dungeon Eater - Mutant ogre that grows new heads from its wounds.
Egg Bearer - Gelatinous tiger with weaponized dreams and an egg inside their body.
Egg of Kioz - Floating metal eggs with time powers and a weaponized youth beam.
Ego Sprite - Figments of your imagination that thrive on popularity.
Elemental -
Beer - Drunkeness incarnate, it barfs and sometime falls over for no reason.
Earth - SLOW. Very hard to kill. You'll want about 30 dudes with pickaxes.
Fire - Explodes when killed. Requires fuel.
Fulgarite - Lightningstruck fused-sand elementals with suicidal tendencies. (Book of Mice PDF)
Laser - Move tremendously fast and fire many lasers.
Eternal Slug - Zone of
slow and swallow attack.
Ettin - Ogres with indigestion.
Candy - Turn your horrible old weapons into sugar.
Flower - Turn your boring old food into flowers.
Gem - Turn your shiny gold into awesome glitter.
Ice - Turn all of dangerous flammables into lovely toys.
Tooth - Can steal the teeth right out of your head.
False Star - Pseudostars that abduct people.
Feral Infants - Sufferers of Feral Infant Syndrome. You can't just kill them; they're babies!
Flesh Cube - 8' cube of flesh that shouts "cube" and tramples people.
Flim - Flimsy, useless, depressive smoke-spirits.
Flying Clobstrok - Face-grabbing, cliff-jumping crab-spiders. (Book of Mice PDF)
Flying Flechettia Swarm - Flying flowers that drop like weighted arrows. (Book of Mice PDF)
Flying Snail - Antigravitic shells. Their poison stings take effect later, and all at once.
Fragrant Mother - Huge carnivorous plant with a charming scent an internal dungeon.
Floor Lord - Giant face in the floor that gets people to jump down its throat.
Flower Boys - HD 1 flower dudes that have relatively powerful abilities.
Flying Eyeball - Intercepting a spell causes them to evolve.
Optical Hound - What they evolve into.
Froglock - A former wizard being consumed by a parasitic spell, as they turn froggy.
Frothmonger - Some poor bastard colonized by sentient yeast.
Fungal Angels/Demons - Haters of symmetry.
Fyrinx - Lobsters that live in your stomach and stab your organs if you don't obey them. (I should merge these with jelly-johns. . .)
Gargoyles - This is what happens when a demon possesses a stone.
Gelatinous Cube - Actually just a subunit of a much greater whole.
Geminoid - A binary organism. They aren't really twins.
Gengrigar - Rubbery purple ogres who troll the people they come across.
Ghast - Ghouls that have grown their bodies to shape their needs. Can be harvested for a drug that allows you to access the memories of the dead.
Ghost - Almost like traps.
Ghoul - Corpulent, lively, jocular ex-humans who devour the dead.
Half-ghoul - People in the middle of the process of becoming a ghoul.
Ghoul Bear - Shuffling, carnivorous, raggy bears with paralytic breath.
Giant, Fungal - Spore-laden suicidal giants full of overheard sentience.
Glommerwhist - Hair spiders. (Book of Mice PDF)
Goblin Apparatus
The "Pope" - A shitty, fake pope made from many goblins on stilts.
A "Dragon" - A shitty, fake dragon that is still quite dangerous.
Clay - Find and destroy its hidden name, written somewhere on its body.
Coral - Paralytic fists. AC crumbles away as it takes damage.
Plague - Looks like a clay golem, but it hides a diseased corpse best left entombed.
Goontha - Buffalo merchants with strange destinations.
Gore Police - Produce impossible levels of gore and gain abilities as they take damage.
Green Slime - According to my calculations, these are the best rules for green slime.
Gremlins - Wisp replacement. They follow you, stealing and sabotaging, until you feed them milk and blood.
Gretchling - The mascot of this site! Degenerate goblins with super-cowardice. (Book of Mice PDF)
Gretchling v2 - Newer! Worse! Brilliant!
Gretchling Stiltwalker - Status in gretchling society is determined by height. Casters.
Gribblies - Hairy little devourers. Capable of explosive replication.
Grinna - Skull-faced apes. Kinda lame, really.
Grue - Dire moles infested by shadows. Banished by even the smallest amount of light.
Guino - Skin-weasels that fuse themselves with your body and shit out babies.
Gurgan - Disgusting, pathetic things that sling curses. Better avoided than fought.
Hag - Ogrish casters with subtle powers.
Hagula - Hagfish people that drink blood, masters of freak bioscience.
Hallucigenia - Needle-legged weirdos who try to kill you in your dreams if you kill them.
Hate Bees and Whistlers - Formed in a poly-species cocoon formed of grieving insects.
Helican - Dire pelican what swallows every'un.
Hippo, Demon- Actually a tardigrade.
Hive Dead - Merchants? Or something worse.
Hog Dragon - Stink so made that materials become soft.
Homemade Unicorns - "Unicorns" made through the vivisection of stolen children.
Hoplick - Flailing plant-beast with extreme bitterness.
Horrible Gregory - Replacement for the hook horror.
Horse, Gobblehorse - Headless, vomiting leftover from the process of
unicorn manufacture.
Horse, Slitherhoof - Boneless, sucking leftover from the process of
unicorn manufacture.
Horseman - Kidnap people in dungeons. Their killer becomes a horseman.
Hum Sloth - While humming, everyone takes damage for every 10' they move.
Hungry Coffin - Flying metal coffins full of surprises, like an evil, hungry pinata.
Hungering Shadows - Lame. Don't click this one.
Beholder Hydra - Exactly what it sounds like.
Chaos Hydra - Dis one got a bunch of weird ass heads.
False Hydra - Grow out of the sewers and eat people. They live in our blindspaces. Popular!
Hydrada - An infectious variant. Heads grow everywhere, not just from stumps.
Inverted Hydra - NOW YOU ARE THE HYDRA
IOUN Hydra - Postmodern.
Zoo Hydra - Saved you a trip to San Diego.
Imp - Tiny devils that eat your fumbles. This causes them to grow.
Indescribable Leviathan - Giant monster that literally defies description. (Book of Tigers PDF)
Inexorable Beast - Returns when killed with new powers and counters.
Intellect Devourer - Body snatchers with diverse cultures.
Intellect Devourer, Giant Mutant - Prevent both characters and players from using big words.
Ishi-Mishi-Manafa - Pink, spring-dwelling monkeys that win protectors through charm. (Book of Mice PDF)
Jabberwocky - The Questing Beast. An entire quest from a single wandering monster check.
Jenkin - Unclean rattoid familiars that steal body parts to become human.
Jiragula - Neon eels that sometimes become invincible, fly, and scream. (Book of Mice PDF)
Kasrosassus - Immensely powerful tree-necromancer. All that die in his forest rise under his control.
Knight of Kel Dravonis - Flesh-crafting death knights that compete for the weirdest steed.
Lake Drake - Degenerate dragons that can fly directly from the water.
Lantern Ghost - Wisp replacement. Leads you to both danger and treasure.
Lethlygon - Flying snake that shoots purple lightning and makes powermen.
Loctus - Wallmasters made of coins, that teleport you into traps.
Lover and Beloved - Paired undead, the lover redirects all damage to the beloved.
Macrology, Hyperparabolic - Basically a spacesuit filled with billions of refugees from a faster universe.
Manticore - Hateful old monstermen who eat the things they hate, which is everything.
Mayfly Sprite - Curse-flinging fey that only live for one day. (Book of Mice PDF)
Meat Man - Created by unlucky castings of
stone to flesh on statues. Causes obesity on a hit.
Mermaid - They want to gossip and eat manflesh.
Meteor Eater - It's a flying meteor that hungers for the calcium in your bones.
Microbasilisk Handlers - The tiniest of basilisks, weaponized and held.
Monkeyrat - Most of the temperate cities
used to have rats.
Moonchild - Screams razors, but takes damage from your gaze.
Granger - Subterranean humans bred to be mounts.
Killian - Subterranean humans bred for servitude. Lavish and loving.
Squealer - Juvenile morlocks who run for help.
Stygian - Psychics who can see through walls.
Varicose - Small, climbing, murderous, stabby little bastards.
Mossman - Lumpy ex-humans who can join together and separate freely.
Mudman - Gooey bastards that have a suicide attack.
Lesser - Touch causes permanent rot (curse).
Greater - Aura of Majesty makes them difficult to attack.
Mandrogi - "Grass golems". Tiny helpers filled with the souls of debtors.
Ogodai - A form of punishment, criminals forever bound inside their preserved corpses.
Shabty - Servile mini-mummies. They are loot.
Mutant Dinosaur Generator - Generates mutant dinosaur.
Nirfling - Tiny, sleepy mouse that flys with whisker wings and picks locks.
Noxenswine - Necromantic pig balloons filled with poisonous gases.
Nymphs - They attack the plot, not your HP. The risk is love, not death.
Nymph, Graveyard - Lovers of death. Decent people.
Octaro - One of eight corporeal "people" (tentacles) of an extradimensional beast.
Ogre - Stolen children, abused and streeeeetched into monsters by hags.
Ogre, Headless - We knew it was going to end up this way.
Ogre Mage - Ogrish casters with ostentatious spells.
Alchemical - Has the powers of two random potions.
Amberoid - Electric ooze.
Black Pudding - There's technically only one; it's all connected. The Melancholy Organ.
Elephantine - Thick-skinned. Kills by crushing.
Faffernacky Pudding - Delicious.
Flying Fusion - Eats people, then
fuses them into servants for itself.
Shell Jelly - Has a shell. Breaks your back.
Velvet Ooze - Used for orgies. Mostly harmless.
Opabinia - Flying threats that bite, run away, then return for a second bite.
Orchid Wife - Form a symbiotic relationship with this bloodsucking flower.
Nobody - They don't really exist. Malware running on your perception.
Unspeakable - Don't talk about them. One of my favorites.
Oscadian - Parasites that have replaced the original human. Good guys?
Owl - False birds from the moon. They ride wicker golems.
Owlbear - They throw themselves from trees during full moons and hock up bone-laden pellets.
Panoptigore - Giant floating cyclops with a weird gaze attack.
Persuadable Maggot - Giant maggot made from rotten meat by villagers. (Book of Mice PDF)
Prism Wizard - Wizard with different powers depending what colors you're wearing.
Popkin - Mustachioed rabbits that explode when killed. Glamour pets. (Book of Mice PDF)
Powerman - Level 1 fighter possessed by invincible lightning-warrior spirit from a past age.
Pseudo-Imaginary Dinosaur - Phantasms that rely on being perceived to exist.
Antagonistic - Hyperadactive shape-shifting jelly. (Book of Mice PDF)
Atavistic - Fires devolution beams & prevents characters from making smart good.
Chaotic - Chaos incarnate. Roll on a d20 table each turn to see what it does.
Retributive - Hyperadaptive attack-shifting jelly.
Psychopomp - They're here to bring your soul to the afterlife. By force, if necessary.
Quantum Ogre - Splits into two identical ogres whenever it takes damage.
Quillypig - Giant porcupines who teleport spines into their targets.
Revenant, Biomantic - Normal-ish dudes who explode into 4 monsters (muscle, skeleton, skin, ghost) when killed.
Rompers - Giant otters. A Centerran staple.
Royal Cannibals - Subterranean ex-royals with the biology and society of ants.
Sandman - Regenerate on sandy surfaces, save vs sleep if you kill them.
Saprocyte Surfaces - The floors and walls will drink your blood if you stop moving.
Sarcosyrinx - Flying gulp-eels who are more invisible the better you know them. (Book of Tigers PDF)
Scarm - Flying scimitar.
Serpicant - The King of Beasts. Heaven separated it into a snake and a lion, it was so deadly.
Shade - Undead who wreathes your vision and memories in shadows. Darkvision is a bad idea.
Shadow - Two dimensional creepers.
Shadow Puppet - Just a pile of angry meat, puppetted by the shadows on the floor around it.
Shadow Child - Shadow archers who pin your shadow to the floor and devour it.
Shrifling - Quick little hair thing. Confused by actual hair.
Siege Monkey - Huge things like stegosaurs that throw stones with their tails.
Sinister Folk - Eerie fey than can only be seen in your left eye.
Skeleton Hero - Four arms, four scimitars, and a counterattack if you miss him.
Skeleton Jelly - Shitty skeleton-dude who is immune to damage.
Slaad - Protofrogs made of inchaote possibility.
Slime, Catapult - Normally standard ooze that throws chunks of itself.
Slime, Faffernacky - Supernaturally delicious ooze compels you to eat it.
Sludge Vampires - Intelligent, blood-draining, skin-wearing oozes.
Songful Bagman - Sac-like eyeball bastards who lure birds into their stomach through song. (Book of Mice PDF)
Sonic Reverberators - Conehead slaves from the vats with sonic attacks.
Spazbat - Twitchy teleporting bat that drinks your blood by teleporting it into its stomach.
Steeds - Orns, Witch Weasels, Bottled Steeds, Faerie Horses, and Jellybears.
Stirge - Flying, flaccid bloodsuckers. Includes rules for dungeon honey.
Stomplord - Quadrelephant that hates things that aren't flat.
Succubus - Ancestral ghost determined to spread the semen of a living relative.
Super Ultra Mega Men - Like Superman, but contagious and unable to stop fighting things.
Swampy Knockers - Bog followers that don't attack you, but still make everything worse.
Swerda - Sword-headed people. Actually just swords that control decapitated corpses. Popular!
Tardigrade, Dire - Marrow-sucking monstrosities that haunt the riverways.
Terophidian - If I ever write a Centerra bestiary, this guy is going on the cover.
Thungrum - Mad "elephant ogres" who have fallen from space. Sad, violent, deranged.
Throx, Elder - Flying squid-wizards who live inside obelisks like hermit crabs.
Time Tortoise - They'd be easy to kill if they didn't have a super-powered version of
time stop.
Toadiathans - Suck dragons of the swamp. Mortal enemies of froghemoths.
Tortoise Tsar - Despotic dungeon kings and quest givers.
Astronomer - Flying trees that can fire lasers and abduct you like UFOs.
Dendroid - Basically just a tree with mind-flayer powers.
Evil - I guess I wrote this same monster a few times, huh? This one drops evil seeds.
Evil Seed - Gains 1 HP every round.
Hateful - Average tree that hates you. Wants to pick you up and break your back.
Irritable - Tree that drops a branch or two on you. Why did I stat it up?
Shendru - Sentient trees that send their fruit-men out on missions.
Trilobite - Crawling biters that carrying a disease that turns you into a trilobite.
Green - Rubbery, regenerating bastards. Full write-up.
Longtail - Become as weak as a child if their tail is grabbed. Full write-up.
Rock - Petrified by light. Full write-up.
Rock, Elder (Galeb Duhr) - Can animate boulders. Full write-up.
Tubular Peacock - Nozzle-headed slug-birds that sometimes barf green slime.
Tumblesnatchers - Giant tumbleweeds that kidnap you.
Tumble Melon Tree - Melon-lobbing trees that rely on you eating their healing fruit.
Tunnel Snake - Burrowing cave snakes with death breath. (Book of Mice PDF)
Turbo Grub - Cross between a rot grub and
that rabbit from Monty Python.
Tuskman - Chaos viking with walrus tusks and other mutations.
Undermen - Blind cavemen who can turn invisible. Decent folk.
Undead Vikings - Exactly that.
Unicorn Addict - Pacifistic weirdos who have eaten too much unicorn dung.
Ungreya - Fetal tyrants. To be born is to die, and become a non-citizen. One of my favorites.
Vampire - Pathetic victims of a disease.
Vargouilles - My version is better. Corpse puppeters that freak out the hirelings.
Vector Skeleton - Wireframe creatures that frequently glitch out.
Verminators - Stinking worm-men that are so disgusting, they cause PCs to quit the dungeon.
Volguloi - This is what happens when worms eat wizard brains.
Whistlers and Hate Bees - Formed in a poly-species cocoon formed of grieving insects.
Wicked Jelly-John - Alien rat-things that want you to eat them. (Book of Mice PDF)
Wicker Golems - Owl steeds.
Wind - The four winds are all devout attendees of church, except for the South Wind.
Wise Parasites - Prophetic insects that parasitize dust drakes.
Wisp - Will lead you to treasure or death. Will animate corpses and attack you.
Lantern Dead - What a wisp animates a corpse into.
Witch Kite - Corpse birds that cut you with their shadows and cause suicidal impulses.
Witch's Laundry - Animated attack clothing that animates the clothing you are wearing.
Wiwaxia - Prehistoric spine chucker. Like a wyverns tail that crawls.
Wizlocks - Degenerate wizard-gnomes.
Bolgen - Size-changing tapeworms. (Book of Tigers PDF)
Corpsegrinder - Barf acid and bones. Hunger for undead. Purple worm replacement.
Fangolian Ear - Learn their name and they'll grow in your brain. (Book of Mice PDF)
Flying - Buried in the comments, as it should be.
Labial - Wall-bursting blood-kissers.
Wurm/Wyrm - Opposite of a dragon, crawlers and burrowers. Their hoards are metaphysical.
Laughing - Drains joy and Wisdom.
Tatzelwyrm - Not very good.
Purple - Consumes authority.
Red - Not very good.
Verdant - Consumes life. Its heart can cure death.
Yoblins - Filthy, fungal goblins with a strange life cycle.
Zondervoze - Supersentient creature made up of unwitting, normal humans. A zeitgeist.