are the three most common types of angels of Hesaya, Centerra's
predominant religion (and only true religion, in theory). Doctrine
holds that there are 77 types of angels, who are infinite in number.
Other “religions” have their own “angels”, but these are
considered to be false angels—creatures only slightly different
from demons. (Just as magic births demons, so does great faith
summon angels. But aside from that, angels and demons blend into
each other; they are a spectrum, not a binary.)
angels are agents of the heavenly bureaucracy and all of its
attendant courts. Angels do not come from heaven—instead they are
manifested in a certain location with a singular task already in
their minds. For this reason, many angels you meet will only be a
few days old, at most.
angels are guardians of people, places, or things. If a person is
especially holy, an angel might appear to defend them when they are
threatened. Paladins of the Church often seal holy places and call
upon angels to guard them.
are beyond knowledge. They operate on an instinctual level,
according to the principles that formed them. They do know
necessarily know scripture, or how to purify oneself before entering
the inner sanctum of cathedral. This is because they are already
holy, and everything that they do is good and righteous. At least
according to the Church.
Hesayan Church worships Zulin Who Is Truth as the ruler of heaven and
earth. He is an air god, and so Hesayan angels are creature of the
air. For this reason, Hesayan angels are sometimes accompanied by
air elementals and/or invisible stalkers.
Bringers of the New Dawn believe that God is dead, the Devil rules
this world, and only by extinguishing all life will the planet be
allowed to enter the next cycle. This will resurrect the dead, God
included, and set the world right. They believe this is the only way
to end suffering (since death, disease, and old age are unnatural
inventions of the Devil). The Dawnbringer cult is mostly men and
women, but angels number in their ranks.
angels are big on lightning. It's because they want to distinguish
themselves from demons and their hellfire.
Although each of these angels has a pair of unique abilities, they can be easily
shuffled around or omitted if you want to customize or simplify your angels. In fact, I encourage it.
Angels sometimes give you treasure when you do them a great service. Alternatively, you could rob them, because this is D&D, and you can rob anything.
Treasure [d6]
Elixir of Angel Wings. Exactly like a potion of fly,
except that the duration is 1 day, or until you take an aggressive
action, whichever comes first.
Holy Wheel. Can float above your forearm like a shield +1, or behind
your head like a huge stationary ioun stone that gives +1 AC. Either
way, it glows as bright as a torch when you are in combat.
Lightning Sword. It's a sword+1. It can be used to shoot a 5d6
lightning bolt, but
then it becomes a normal sword until you can get it baptized in a
church. Every time it is baptized it must be given a new name; it is
the name of the lightning bolt.
Breastplate of the Martyr. AC as chain +1. Once per day, when an
ally is takes damage, you can intercept that damage and take it for
Horn of Amity. Only works once before falling to pieces. If blown,
everyone in 50' must make a save (as if from charm person).
If they fail, treat it as if they were charmed by every other person
in 50'.
Prayer of Sainthood. Only works once. When read aloud, a holy
person (paladin or cleric of Hesaya) or angel immediately ascends to heaven in
a beam of light. If they are unwilling to go, they can petition
heaven to stay (make a saving throw). If they go to heaven, they
immediately leave the game with all of their gear.
angels have the following minor abilities:
– A creature that is wounded
by an angel feels no pain, just warm blood on their skin. A creature
that is killed by an angel feels no dread, only peace.
– A player who looks into an
angel's eyes must make a save. If they succeed on their save, the
angel cannot read their soul. If they fail their save, the angel
learns all of your sins and good deeds (according to its own
morality) over a 10 minute period. Shorter time periods reveal fewer
sins and good deeds. This doesn't reveal a players thoughts,
intentions, or full history. It merely reveals a player's best and
worst actions.
I am ADON, Bringer of Light |
Wheel (Ophanim)
HD 3 AC plate (no basic attacks)
18 Int 16
of the Eternal Cycle – Each
enemy that begins its turn within 50' must save or repeat the actions
of their last turn (or as close as possible).
of the Martyr – Usable at
will. Target directly underneath the angel takes 1d8 lightning
damage (no save, 50' range). Before damage is rolled, any other
creature within 50' can declare their love for the primary target.
If this happens, the lightning changes direction and the primary
target takes no damage while the creature that loves them takes 2d6
lightning damage (no save). Players are made aware of this option by
divine knowledge transference, but also by the angel's booming
Float above people like scary halos and announce their sins to the
world; in combat, each angel picks the target it suspects to be the
wickedest and focuses fire.
Accompany holy people and steer them away from sinners; protect holy
books; expose secrets; praise Zulin Who Is Truth.
look like golden wheels with eyeballs along the rim. They revolve
along all three axes when they fly, like a cartwheel sinking
underwater. They speak with a host of voices, like a choir. Unlike
other angels, they are capable of reciting all scripture perfectly
(they sing it, in fact). They are largely logical and emotionless,
but they become agitated when priests or holy books are threatened.
(However, they don't react if/when innocent people die.)
Utterances of the Ophanim [d4]
– “I am Adon, bringer of light!”
– “It is good and right to give thanks to Zulin Who Is Truth.”
– “I have seen the gate. I have seen the key.”
– “Blessed be the martyrs, for they shall inherit the earth.”
– 1d3 ophanim have appeared above a child in the village and has
begun instructing them in the scripture. In a different land, a
ruler is hiring deniable assets to bring the child to him. He
doesn't necessarily want to harm the child or the angel, he's just
curious. This sort of thing smacks of prophecy and destiny, and he
hates being out of the loop.
– After performing a great service for the church, 1d4+1 ophanim
appear above the party and demand that the party excavate a forgotten
church, long lost in a distant part of the swamp. The place is
inhabited by a peaceful hag and several ogres, but the ophanim will
help you kill him. Afterwards, they demand that you bring all of the
books and minor relics to the Great Cathedral in Coramont—a task
that will take several months.
– An exceptionally powerful ophanim (HD 7) of the New Dawn has
appeared in the city during a holy day and trapped the city in a time
loop. It did this so that the people would always be happy, and
always be on their best behavior. Only the players are aware of
this, because of some reason I'm sure your DM can invent. To escape
this groundhog day, they need to find the rogue ophanim and destroy
it. The ophanim watches the city from inside the clocktower, where
it blends in with the mechanisms. 2d6 cherubim serve it.
– Minor Ophanim lack the Bolt of the Martyr. They serve as support
for other units in combat, harassing enemies with their Aura.
– Ophanim Golems are actual golden wheels inhabited by an angelic
spirit. They're statistically identical, except that they have 5 HD
and leave a huge golden wheel as loot when they die. They are the
treasures in the dungeon.
– Ophanim can also be the literal wheels on a flying chariot. The
driver might be a seraph, or a powerful cleric.
Sentinel (Seraphim)
HD 6 AC chain Sword 1d6 + 1d6
lightning + curse
18 Int 16
– Players struck by the
angel's sword must save or the symbol for “enemy of heaven”
appears on the player's forehead. Whenever creature takes fire
damage, they take an additional 2 points of damage. This stacks up
to 5 times. This curse is permanent until removed.
Beauty – If the angel is at
full health, any creature that attempts to damage it must succeed on
a save or hesitate, being unwilling to actually strike at such a
thing. If the angel hasn't made any aggressive action, this save is
at a -4 penalty. Attempting to damage many angels at once (such as
with a fireball)
requires a single save with a -2 penalty for each angel after the
Fight intelligently; Gang up on most threatening targets so the curse
can stack; Rely on their beauty to keep them safe, rather than keep
Protect the innocent; it is a joy to serve; seek out the beautiful
and convert them if necessary.
are guardian angels, usually. They guard the lonely places of the
world. They know nothing except their feelings, which they trust
instinctively. To them, nothing worth nothing ever came out of a
book. The only true things are feelings. (They respect the holy
books, but those words are not from books, they are heavenly words
that are momentarily recorded in books.)
left alone for a long time, a seraph will convert its surroundings
into a beautiful environment. Even in foul dungeons, the party might
pass through a couple of beautiful rooms before finding the seraphim
responsible. When swung, their swords sing clear, dulcet notes.
Seraphim Feature [d6]
– All metals in 50' seem to turn to gold. All other materials turn
snow white.
– No wings. Held aloft by a flock of doves plucking at her robe,
while she reclines.
– Head has four faces, one on each side. Head revolves.
– Like a giant, naked, muscular albino, wearing only a ribbon.
– Has anywhere between 2 and 8 arms at any given moment.
– Bleeding from sacred stigmata. Blood turns to rose petals when
it hits a surface.
– Two seraphim guard a hole in the side of a cliff. They warn
people away by telling them that “the prison of Melchior is not
safe” but really all they're doing is making people curious what
sort of dungeon is down there.
– While the party is still planning the best way to rob the little
church down the street, a clear voice shouts from outside the tavern.
It is 1d4 seraphim, demanding that the party come outside and
receive summary judgment (death). The angels are hesitant to enter
the tavern, but if the players don't exit, they'll start evacuating
the innocents before storming the building. If the party acts
quickly, it's possible to escape or kill the angels before the town
priest gets here and finds out exactly what the party was planning.
THESE little assholes |
Messenger (Cherubim)
HD 2
AC chain Bow 1d6
Arrows – A
cherub can put a charm,
or sleep
effect on an arrow as they fire it. Save negates. (*love
is similar to charm, except the effect is romantic instead of
friendly, and the caster chooses who the target falls in love with.)
These arrows still deal damage, unless the cherub prefers that they
didn't. Love and charm effects last as long as the cherub is alive.
– A creature that kills a
cherub must make a save at the beginning of their next turn. If they
fail, they cannot take any offensive
actions (defensive actions are fine). They get a save at the
beginning of all subsequent turns to dispel the pacifism.
Hide in the upper reaches of a room; lead opponents on a merry chase;
abuse their magic arrows.
Make attractive and/or nice people fall in love with each other; make
sure no one ever loves ugly and/or mean people; do things that babies
do (touch an interesting texture, throw food on the floor, pet a
puppy shyly, nurse at a breast, fall asleep on soft things, wake up
looking like fat, flying children, the cherubim are warriors. They
only act like babies outside of combat. They often appear to deliver
messages, or to carry one. They are attracted to maternal people,
and despise rude or mean people. Not enough to attack them, but they
will ply their infantile conspiracies against you secretly. Some
cherubs are lieutenants, and carry golden arrows with unique powers.
Cherubim are extremely important, for one reason: they are engineering the birth of the messiah. You think saviors are born just by chance? It requires hundreds of generations of careful breeding to bring about the right collection of genes and environmental factors to create the next Prophetess. Cherubim are the geneticists of the angels (although they have no concept of DNA, which might not even exist in Centerra).
do this cherub's golden arrows do (save negates)? [d4]
– Target disappears in an explosion of live doves (who are
permanent). They reappear two turns later.
– All of the target's wealth turns into scripture describing how
wisdom and piety are the real forms of wealth.
– Splits into 3 arrows. The cherub makes 3 attacks against
different targets.
– Target is compelled to confess a sin. If the character or player
won't, the arrow damage is tripled. No save.
– Cherubs have singled out a single party member (possibly seeking
revenge) and are trying to make him/her fall in love with
embarrassing things. If allowed to escalate, they're try making the
party members fall in love with the same embarrassing stuff, just to
stir up jealousy. This shit has got to stop.
– When you reach the dragon's lair you find out that it's been
charmed by a flock of small
cherubs. They have a big plan, and it involves this dragon.
– Cherubs in the dungeon. They won't let you past unless you bring
them a mommy. A beautiful mommy.
– A cherub wants help. It needs you to bring a prince worthy of
falling in love with its favorite princess. Go kidnap a prince. For love.
Cherubim [d2]
– Anti-cherubim have arrows that cause fear,
rage, and sadness.
They say that they are harvesting courage, calm, and happiness in
order to make arrows out of them, for other cherubim.
– Giant cherub boss with 8 HD. Ballista-size toy bow does 3d6
damage and all magic arrow effects have a 10' radius. Accompanied by
2d6 mommies (level 0 commoners).